18 September 2007

HK$3.40, Round trip

Lower deck, Star Ferry
Shaky floor boards, brass lamps. Behind the captain's dock
sea spray & diesel fumes
I tell you , this is the way to travel
But for how long?

16 September 2007

Apples & Oranges

Well, Yes I've heard it....Not to put them together.
but I recon, as long as you don't start compairing them , it is Ok.

It ain't funny no more (A poem)

You told me darling
that I’ve changed
I’ve become
you said , really I should read more
to keep abreast
of current affairs
to acquire taste
be refine, urbane

While we walked home
(after you signed the autographs)
from the comedy club at the street’s end
you talked

All night I’ve watched you
from my lonely nook
You in the spotlight
You and your jokes
making them laugh
working the crowd
(your words)

It is the sense of humour
in a man , that’s important the most
So you told
I should be
Happy (me lucky)
For I ‘ve got it all

Now listen honey
there is this thing
the joke is ,
I don’t think
you are funny

This has a certain appeal to it....and a very personal touch...this is the shrine at home


Amidst of the haunting beat..the drummer dissapears ...and the drum takes the spotlight...
Behind the silhouettes of the mountains , the sun hides to rest


These leaves .............