30 March 2008

The pulse

The green waters . Unattarctive yet operative Star ferry. Murky skies & the black guy in white underwear posing next to AIG tower......This is Hong Kong......And the pulse is so captivating & addictive...

15 March 2008

How'd you know?? (a poem)

“So tell me, how
would you know? ”
that seem to have got
your notice.
trying hard to avoid
my peer
you opt to wipe off
earth's powdery bliss.
your Blue suede shoes
( With the
Bell bottomed hem, jacket sequined
I tell you
the part, you look , still )

“it is pretty simple , you see”
you let the last sound just hang
in the night’s humid
and close your eyes .

On the stage
the long haired lad
has ended
His garage punk rock version
of the old serenade
I let you be .
To play the applause in your mind
even take a bow, if you fancy
and take back your Sunday,

You sigh
Smoothening the wise lines
And let out wisdom in a tone subdued
“ when the graying sideburns
Are less than perfect
then you'd know
the rock star in you is dead”